I try to avoid commenting directly on current political happenings, as I have no wish to further divide this already way too divided country (meaning America, in this case). Way too polarized, like we’re not a nation any more but two camps who just hate each other passionately yet are forced to live together. (At least, that seems to be what the media would have us believe, darn them — it’s almost as if they eagerly, passionately, make it worse every chance they get.) So usually I comment on principles and social or cultural concepts and ideas instead, for the most part. Things that matter, things that need addressing or simply pondering over, or ideas to be exposed/removed as the lies they are, but not things that are likely to start a riot somewhere.
Speaking of which… My gosh. The Capital Building itself overrun by … indescribable people, at least the photos that were transmitted over the internet showed folks one would never invite home to dinner. I don’t mean their personal appearance, clothing, beards, whatever, but rather the skins, furs, war paint and sticks they were carrying, not to mention their zealous body language and facial expressions. Angry, self-satisfied, entitled, self-righteous, and with zero respect for the storied building(s) and surroundings they had so casually invaded.

What did they think was going to happen next?
That’s what they looked like, at least. I do not know what was actually going on in their minds and hearts, and certainly the photos we all saw were selected by the news services to be the most alarming and judgmental possible. (That’s an assumption, but a likely one, yes?)

Tell me they were just filming a really bad movie. Tell me something rational to explain this. If you can. Oh yeah: it’s America, that explains it.
I have no idea what they thought they were accomplishing. I really do not. Were they so naïve they thought they were going to take over the country by storming one building? Or even every capital building in all the states? (That’s what was actually requested, by He Who Incited All This.) All that would have done would be to get them brought up on charges of insurrection, treason and attempted overthrow of the government, which is really about as serious a charge as exists in any nation.

I hope it was worth it.
Or did they think they were helping President Trump? What they did was to put a halt to the vote recount, which theoretically they were there to support on Mr. Trump’s behalf.
More likely they were just being Sheeple to their Pack Leader, doing just as they were told without thinking first. Sheeple. Extremely dangerous, as they successfully demonstrated for all to see.
Short version: Embarrassing. Humiliating to the entire Nation. As poor as the rest of the world’s opinion of America has been (and going down decade by decade, recently almost day by day), I can’t even guess what the better educated nations of the world (most of them) are thinking of America now.
This was already the ugliest election cycle in America’s history. This final (we hope final) travesty really puts it down on the list of America’s Most Embarrassing Moments.
I am also somewhat shocked (and truly I just don’t shock over anything) how easily the Capital Building was over run. Have they no drop-down cages or shields? No bomb-proof barricades that can be activated by a simple panic button under Security’s control? Or even automatic control? Two or three layers of heavy barricade between the outside street and the inner chambers where America’s legislators actually work would not be unreasonable. Not even a little. Further, after 20 years of living in a state of constant “vigilance against terrorism” that’s the best security that very important building has? That is, so little protection that a fairly small group of angry skin-and-fur-wearing folks could shut down Congress? For me, that’s the most alarming result of this whole fiasco. So maybe they actually did us a favor by pointing out how poorly protected that building (and probably all the others round-abouts there) really is. Now it can be fixed.
What can’t be fix is the people who were killed. That is a crime that should be answered for, though certainly not by those who had to do what they had to do in the line of duty. As for the rioters themselves they had to know they were stepping into harm’s way. Even so, the one who egged them on and incited these … err, … events ought to take responsibility for the deaths as well as massive property damage (and that’s all over the nation, by the way, not just in DC). That’s not a simple issue, though, and I’m not going to comment further in that direction(1).
‘Nuff Said!
Save this last thing: even though this was clearly a 2021 moment, can we just call it 2020’s last nose-thumbing at us and start 2021 over clean?
(1) Ok, here I am commenting further in that direction. Breaking news is my excuse. As I write this, just announced, Impeachment proceedings against President Trump may be brought as soon as Monday (3 more days). That would get him yet another historical footnote, as the only president in American history to be impeached twice. BTW, several presidents have been impeached, but impeachment is only a statement that “something may be seriously wrong here,” it is not removal from office nor even a confirmation of criminal action or gross incompetence in any form; just a formal statement that such might be the case. Once impeachment has been passed, then it’s up to the Senate to take further actions, possibly resulting in removal from office. It’s never actually happened yet. Just saying, because I know so many people who get cloudy on what “impeachment” actually means, to wit: very little by itself, as it’s only the first step of several.