Short version: cut it out!

Longer version: in this day and age, with the culture as it is around scam phone calls (takers and fakers), don’t you realize that with EVERY unsolicited phone call it must be assumed that you are naught but a Thief?

Some of you are for real. (But the majority of you are not!) For those who are really trying to sell a legitimate product at a legitimate price, you need to complain to law enforcement and to the public in general to get them to complain to law enforcement and their elected legislators. In the meantime, find another way to advertise your product or service. Word of Mouth remains the best, as it carries with it your reputation as well as your service, in the way most people will actually  believe. All you need do is deliver a superlative service every time; word will get around.

So… just cut it out. Shut down the phone banks, because until there’s some change “in the weather” it must be assumed you are all thieves. Beat up (figuratively) the ones who actually are thieves and maybe we can all relax a bit, yes?


Categories: Business