There is so much that could be said on this topic: an honest [American] election. However, I’m going to keep it simple.

Jimmy Carter, former American president, Nobel Peace Prize winner, etc, among other things has an outfit whose service (to nations) is to guarantee honest and accurate election results. I don’t know what their methods are, but the company has been highly regarded internationally.

Back before the 2008 election he was asked if he or his form could do that for America. His answer was simple, if a might discouraging. He said, “No. That would be impossible.”

“Way back then,” in his estimation, it was impossible to guarantee any election results in American as honest or accurate.

Also consider the 2000 election where, when the actual results were finally allowed to be tallied up (after the Supreme Court had already appointed Bush-The-Younger as president(1)) it was found that Gore would have taken the election, by vote of the People and the Electors both. Florida’s count was delayed over and over again by One of the Parties placing no end of legal obstacles in the way of the counting, then petitioning the Supreme Court to make a decision since “the count was hopelessly slow.”

There are more examples for consideration I could bring up, but this should make the point.

My question for the constant reader(2) to ponder is this: why is the accuracy of the vote count only now an issue in the so-called news media, considering that it’s been an issue for so long and so constantly that it really should just be assumed as part of the package by now?

Or even more importantly (and simply), why is this situation tolerated?

No prizes for wrong answers(3).


(1) I am not convinced the Supreme Court has the authority to “appoint” a president. Especially when the situation was so clearly staged up by abuse of the legal system by one of the invested parties. However, there’s no where to appeal a Supreme Court action, so… there you go.

(2) The term “constant reader” is one I am borrowing from Stephen King. By the way: Stephen King is not just a horror writer. Among some of his works are Dolores Claiborne, Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, and the Green Mile. HIs greatest work to date, The Dark Tower [which was turned into a horrible, insultingly simplified movie] is probably what he’ll be remembered for 200 years form now, and it’s very likely the greatest epic fantasy since Lord of the Rings. Just pointing out that, for some of us at least, things aren’t always what they seem to be. Dig?

(3) Just being ironic. There are no prizes for correct answers either. Except possibly some clarity in your own thinking. 🙂


Categories: Politics