Why is it that all the movies [that I know of] that deal with the evils of a totalitarian government (local or global) are considered Science Fiction?

Roller Ball (James Caan original, not the pointless remake)
Atlas Shrugged
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451 (either version, though original was much more to the point)
Handmaid’s Tale (the movie)
Running Man
Soylent Green
The Prisoner (the Patrick McGoohan TV show, which is considered a fore-runner of a whole class of sci-fi, by the way, though it’s only loosely *totalitarian government* still dealt quite well with the evils thereof)

Even the Harry Potter movies dealt with that subject in a couple of the episodes (on campus as well as “in the world”).

This is just a very few of the titles that could be mentioned. .

Also interesting to note that the number of such movies has increased in direct proportion to how close all of Human society appears to be moving toward such extremes in government.

Is one driving the other? Hollywood causing the changes in government? Government giving inspiration to Hollywood script writers? Or are they both symptoms of something else?

As the old expression goes, I’ll leave that as an exercise for the student. No wrong answers, though.




Categories: Politics