Early results that the media has become so very, very fond of influence the final results of the election. This practice must be stopped.

Point: too many people like to vote for “the winning side” and will wait for the news to predict the winner before voting (that might not work this year, this year being a different case).

Point: when was the last time you heard “and that one was swung by Hawaii’s voters” ? In point of fact, most presidential election races are over before the polls in Hawaii are even closed (9pm Hawaiian time is 2am East Coast).

Point: the news media stops being neutral / objective and actively become a player in the election, and this disenfranchises a great many voters, albeit in a subtle way — but disenfranchised is disenfranchised.

So stop it. No early results until all polls are closed. All of them. Anything else is Influence… stop it.


Categories: Politics