So you get a check in the mail. Most of the time you can tell it’s a check without even opening it up. So can any one else looking at it. Is this not a most serious security violation? The bureau or business that sent that to me needs to be given a strong lesson in keeping its citizens / customers / clients safe.
Bad practice. No thru-thinking. (Or “true thinking,” either way.)

Both the return address and the clear window give away the contents of the envelope. Very bad!
Same thing when you get credit/debit cards in the mail. You can always tell it’s one of them. Sometimes the envelope actually says “card inside,” (What kind of Idiot thought of that one!!????) More often it’s a plain white envelope with no adornment at all. Not even an ordinary “civilian” white envelope, but one of those insanely white, super-plain envelopes that only have credit/debit cards inside them. Nothing else ever seems to come in such envelopes.
This too is a serious security violation.
No wonder identity theft and the like are at astronomically high rates (though this is scarcely the only reason; just one of the reasons). The bureaus, who supposedly SERVE the people, seem to almost go out of their way to make the people just a little more vulnerable. Corporations also, but then one almost expects that from them.
If you look around, there are a great, great, great many security flaws that are taken for granted every day. Perhaps all government workers… no, that would never happen. Perhaps each bureau needs at least one person in it, with some authority, who has read, and read again the Stainless Steel Rat series, by Harry Harrison. It’s light, fast-paced, entertaining, written to a young-ish level, improbable, but certainly changes your outlook on many things (which is what Science Fiction is supposed to do — broaden your thinking about possibilities).
Regardless, stop making it obvious when there’s a check in the envelope! I mean, Really!! Do I have to tell you that?
Just a thought…