Quick thought: If *I* put out a product that worked as randomly, as poorly, as sporadically as your typical cell phone(1) or as, say, Microsoft Publisher(2)… I’d get into quite a lot of trouble.
Question: why don’t they?
Yes: my shortest post to date…
(1) I have a fairly new Apple iPhone, and its service is quite random. I have to reboot the phone at least twice a week because the phone app locked up. You’d think the phone app at least on a cell phone would be a perfect piece of software by now, wouldn’t you?
(2) which, for example, puts a truly random width of border around any “save as picture” picture I have it save, anything from 0 to 4 pixels wide on each side of the image, when what I want is no border at all, or at the worst a fixed border, not random… this is utter nonsense.