I have had a report, that I can not verify, but from a source I trust — which means only I give the report the benefit of the doubt. The report goes: A woman was in Hospital, and, according to her doctor, dying of Corona. There was nothing more they could do. Another doctor was brought in and he asked a curious question: “Did you test her for Corona?” The answer was “no, but she has all the symptoms.”

She was then tested and it came out negative!

Additional testing showed positive for Legionnaire’s Disease, which is treatable. She went from “going to die shortly” to actually walking out of the place after a couple days. Her face mask was then tested and it was found positive for Legionnaire’s. The inference being that she contracted it from the face mask, from wearing it 8 – 10 hours a day. Those are kind of the conditions under which Legionnaire’s first showed up: a faulty air system filter that ended up breeding that particular bacteria.

I note it’s also possible, though, that the face mask contracted the bacteria from her, rather than the other way around. I don’t think it’s possible to tell which way it went after the fact.

Face masks when used in hospitals are put on when entering a patient’s room and THROWN AWAY when leaving. They are not used over and over, hours or days on end. One doctor I spoke with called it “wearing a petri dish over your face.”

I report honestly, accurately, to the best of my ability. But so what? These are still just my musings. Extend on them yourself, find more facts (FACTS, not opinions — sometimes hard to tell the difference).

UPDATE: apparently the CDC has noticed this phenomenon also: as reported by WTHITV: www.wthitv.com/content/news/572050272.html




Categories: Health