You know when you go to “check for updates” in Windows and it says “you’re up to date?” Fact is, it hasn’t checked yet. If you click on “check for updates” it will almost certainly find some updates. But it started by saying there were no updates.

Then there’s the condition where it will say at the same time “you are up to date” and “your device is missing critical updates.”

How are you supposed to trust a piece of software like that? Why does Microsoft’s stock keep going up when they publish such lousy, ill-tested, unloved software?

(Unloved? What is loved or unloved software? Well, briefly, it’s clear the people who publish software that works half-heartedly, that has bugs that have been known for over 20 years that still have not been addressed, etc, do not love their product and do not love their customers. Whether that’s a true statement or not, that is certainly the appearance, is it not?)