Under our system of government, as it sits today, Party-based Politics is a conflict of interest. You can not serve both the People and the Party. Not even your Nation and the Party. You may think the Party serves the People, but the truth is that a Political Party only and always serves itself. That might or might not serve the People.

[Though aimed primarily at America right now, this applies also to much of the World.]

People or Party: make up your mind. If it’s Party, then we can’t keep saying either Democracy (which America was never designed to be, by the way) nor Constitutional Republic (which American ceased being the very moment the politicians started saying “this great democracy” and other such empty phrases). Government by Party doesn’t have an exact label, but the closely matching ones are: Patriarchy, Federation, and Autocracy, if one party is always on top. But what ever you call it, it’s not Citizen Oriented. It’s Power oriented, and is therefore a massive waste of potential, resources, and lives.

Categories: Politics