Just because someone can speak in front of large audiences or speaks with “Great Authority” on a YouTube video does not make what he says True. There is so much anti-information / dis-information [those are two different things, by the way] going around these days. A lot of folks make tremendous amounts of money by pushing such blocks of data. But it’s mostly just the 21st century version of snake oil.

It is also possible to be honestly mistaken about something. In spite of honest, well meaning intentions and the highest ethics a speaker, author, anchorman, publicist, etc, can still be wrong.

Test the facts; check the data; do your own digging. That might mean checking with other people, but probably it does not, as nearly always the only thing other people can tell you isĀ their opinion. Form your own.

“Again and again and again: what are the facts?”
— Robert Heinlein

Categories: What is Truth