Cookies, Duh!

About 3 years ago (as I write this) the European Union (EU) decided (for reasons that escape me) to require all websites who wish to do business with EU citizens to announce that they use cookies — assuming that they use cookies. Problem with this is: all websites use cookies Read more…


A true event happened to a friend of mine. It involves “Cheetos” but it is not about that product, nor the manufacturer and this story in no way is meant to accuse anyone or detract from any one or anything. It’s not about Cheetos. She (my friend) was visiting with Read more…

Hidden Agreements

Did you know that your cell phone End User License Agreement (EULA) allows your service provider to rummage through your phone anytime they wish? Look into it; it’s there. Same with Windows 10’s EULA; Microsoft reserves the right to rummage through any and all of your files when ever they Read more…

That almost worked

Waaaay back in the marches of time when Television was new, some folks (such as the brilliant Steve Allen, for one) were very excited by this new opportunity to bring education to all people. Through a simple device like a TV, educational and thought-provoking programs could be presented all day Read more…

That’s not AI.

Cortana, Alexis, and the other “personalities” starting to show up on the internet and on your personal computer, are not AI. They are simply a different kind of keyboard. And they get the input wrong at least as often did your fingers with a keyboard. Speech to Text is an awesome Read more…

Is it True?

Just because someone can speak in front of large audiences or speaks with “Great Authority” on a YouTube video does not make what he says True. There is so much anti-information / dis-information [those are two different things, by the way] going around these days. A lot of folks make Read more…