Been getting a strange email every few days, supposedly from “Kathleen Carmel” (in quotes, because it’s literally impossible to tell whom an email is really from any more). Fairly level sounding headlines for the most part, but been ignoring them because I have no idea who this person is or why I’m getting these emails. Usually means some nefarious agenda, right? So I don’t play along.
It got to me today however with “US Navy and Aircraft Carriers move into battle formation.” Huh?
So I looked up the link it gave. Not that I clicked on it directly, but copied it washed it through notepad first, then plugged that into chrome. (Sounds paranoid, doesn’t it? Ah! But *my* paranoia is just. Trust me! 🙂 )
An amazing website. In a most dreadful sort of way.
To summarize a few of the highlights:
  • Child sex trafficking tunnels beneath Disney World flooded “miraculously” by Milton — rescued children to be announced publicly in the news
  • Nano-particles in the CoVid “vaccines” causing cancer and heart attacks
  • Deep state new world order agenda for 2030
  • White and Red Hat militaries fought and won a battle against FEMA
  • Global financial collapse unfolding by orders of the Cabal.
  • Global financial system to be replaced by a quantum financial system already in place, but only accessible to the Elite.
  • 10,000 militia in the Carolinas and Georgia, there to fight the FBI, FEMA and local cops
  • Texas Rangers deputized 3,000 new officers so they can make arrests of FBI agents
  • 1000’s of FBI agents already taken in to custody
  • Deep underground military bases [DUMBs… believe it or not] — including area 51 — to be hit shortly by national guard units
And so on…
There are so many things wrong with all those items I can’t even begin to itemize them in this posting without going beyond any rational attention span.(1)
Oddly, not much about the war fleet the title lured me in with. I won’t be visiting this website again, and I’ll attempt to block these emails now. There’s quite enough dysinformation and junk info coming to me daily as it is. (Besides, not one single thing there could possibly affect me in my daily, real-world life. Even if all that’s going on, what’s it got to do with me?)
On the other hand: one of those highlights might actually have some truth to it. I’ll leave you to guess which one I have in mind.
My point is this: this stuff is remarkably similar to things I hear from folks I run into at least once a week. (Thirce so far just this week.)
Had a guy yesterday who swore that Bill Gates just lost a $50B (yes, billion) dollar law suit, brought against him for Windows. Though what about windows was not clear, sounded like something around the surveillance properties of Windows (all of which came out after Gates left Microsoft — and “surveillance” is a technical term in Windows, doesn’t mean what the general public thinks it does). I tried to tell him Gates doesn’t own windows, never did, and it would have to have been against MSFT, but he said, “no, you’re wrong [rather strongly], it absolutely took place.” I checked the news feeds, to be sure, and there’s no news of law suits with MSFT or Gates since the early 90’s. I stopped talking to him after that and just listened, till he finally ran down, which took a while. Maybe listening to him helped.
I also see — in the “real” news feeds — that TikTok is being sued by several U.S. states because their software is aimed at addicting teenagers. Again, Huh? So is every computer game on the market — some of them even brag about it: “most addictive game on the market” right there in their advertising — so does “television,” so does McDonald’s. I mean, come on! Addiction the number one sales tactic in this bizarre 21st Century. It’s not even illegal (though it probably should be). Seems to me that this suit isn’t about TikTok’s being addictive, but more about the building cold-war between the U.S. and China. (TikTok is a Chinese company.) The press either doesn’t know (unlikely) or they’ve been told to “just print it as given,” or something along those lines. (Sounds like the above conspiracy stuff, doesn’t it? Just speculation; simply what it “sounds like.” Yeah, right. <Sigh>)
Someone else recently absolutely certain — no argument allowed — that Google is now being broken up by anti-trust. To which I said, if that’s true, they’ll have to also break up Microsoft, since they’re even bigger, along with probably a dozen others. She said, “No, never happen. Gates is in bed with the Federal Government, the Clintons and the global elites.” [That *is* just like the above conspiracy stuff.] I tried to say [again!] that Gates doesn’t own MSFT any more, and never did, it’s a corporation, and Gates left M$FT in the early 2000’s. You might guess that didn’t go anywhere… and it didn’t. This person just looked at me like I was some horribly naive infant.
Maybe I am; would I know?
Fact: As of this writing, anti-trust against Google is being considered. Hasn’t gone beyond that. First time this was considered was at least 20 years ago, didn’t go anywhere then. Question: is the antitrust being considered against Google or Alphabet, Google’s holding company? Google  proper just isn’t that big any more. Alphabet was smart that way. (Unlike Microsoft, which really *should* be busted up, probably into four separate companies.)
I’d guess (and it’s a guess) that this action is more likely just the competitors trying to knock Google out of the way, instead of having to compete honestly.
Now: why’d I write this positing?
Because: This stuff’s getting alarming. 
Alarming? Yes, but not because some folks believe this stuff (there are always some who find the fantasies more comforting than “reality” even the most alarming fantasies), but because the number of folks who believe this stuff seems to be increasing dramatically. Especially since the “lock down.” 
This is beyond fake news. (Or beneath, maybe? Below?) This is pure fantasy, and it seems to be spreading. Normal fake news almost seems like The Cronkite Report by comparison. 
Again and again, leaves me wondering if I’m missing something. 
Does the one sane man in the Kingdom doubt his own sanity?
Of course he does… Is he the one sane man? Or one insane man?
What is sanity? There’s no precise definition of that, you know?
Isn’t that crazy? 
Ah my… 
Folks: we are in serous trouble here. 
By the way, those emails that I cited at the top of this posting have no unsubscribe link, no way to remove myself from their mailing list. In retrospect, this should have been a clue to me. First of all, it’s ILLEGAL to not include that link. Secondly, that link is absued by most shot-gun marketing emails to verify the email was recieved by a real person — when you click that link, mostly all you do is tell them someone was home and get yourself on to a bunch of other mailing lists. Thirdly, it’s an amateur’s mistake. So, really, what was I expecting?
20-20 hindsight, right?

(1) Ok. Here are a few of the problems with these highlights.

Were the children rescued from Disney World’s literal crminal underground rescused before or after the flooding? Implication is after, which would mean they drowned.
The CoVid shot was not a vaccine, but a prophylactic treatment, and it has caused some cardiac problems, but not from “nano-particles,” what ever those are. This implied medical nano-tech, and to the best of my knowledge (extensive) nono-tech can’t do such selective things — not yet at least, and hopefully not ever.
Deep State agenda for 2030. What happened to the Project 2025 people? A much more urgent threat to freedom. And what is this Deep State agenda? (For that matter, what’s the Deep State?) Show it to me. Project 2025 published its manifesto for all to see. Where is this Deep State?
FEMA is not a bad guy: FEMA does exactly what it’s supposed to do — disaster relief. They are fully funded now, with the click-over into a new fiscal year, they have $20B (billion) in their coffers and they provide rapid emergency relief. (There’s a lot of misinformation going around right now about FEMA… much of it politically motivated by the lazy and the nefarious. <Sigh>)
A war between the national guard and the military? The national guard *is* military. Who would be ordering such an action by one branch of the military against another?
Area 51 does exist (believe it or not, you can find it on Google Maps) but it is an “ordinary” above ground  base. Probably has some underground levels to it, but there is no evidence to support Area 51’s being one of the “DUMBs” cited. (In the UFOlogy community, Area 51 was held to be where a lot of Space Alien stuff goes on, but when Area 51 became common knowledge, all that activity was moved to some undisclosed location, dubbed by UFOlogist as “Area 52.” At least, that’s what the UFOlogy community tells itself. Me, I have no comment, I promised the Greys I wouldn’t talk about it.)
A flat out war with the FBI? 1000’s of FBI agents being arrested by amateur deputies in Texas alone? Does this even need commenting? Not really, but consider this one item: If Texas has that much extra man power that easily with it’s own law enforcement folks, wouldn’t they be using it along that wide-open border they would like to close?
‘Nuff said.
Categories: HumansSociety


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