I can’t keep it in… I gotta let it out. The news today is ridiculous.

Just stuns me… the Republican National Convention actually did it — nominated an unsentenced convicted felon for president.  Not unexpected, but frankly disgraceful all the same. We could conceivably end up with a president serving a jail sentence, depending on when sentencing actually takes place for 57 felony convictions. Plus several other trials still in progress. Nice going, RNC…

On the DNC side… well, looks like maybe Joe will be stepping down. That’s nice. He should have done that a year ago or so, given the VP time to get in to the swing of things. It’s been obvious for at least a year that President Biden is suffering from a form of dementia; it’s in his shuffle and his easy confusions. Obvious. Yet he still clings to office? Extremely unethical.

Great. I need a third choice this time more than ever before. (Any of you remember Pat Paulson for President?)

Further… 80 years too late the Navy exonerates 256 black sailors for something that was clearly never their fault. That took 80 years?

And NASA has canceled a mission to the Moon’s south polar region. Cost overruns… I think NASA needs a change in management. This is sort of thing is happening too often. They behave like an organization with no vision and no creativity. (Which they are, dang it.) And they seem to be following just behind Boeing… though on Boeing, I don’t know why anyone’s surprised there… I knew a guy about 10 years ago who worked for Boeing and just the little he told me made it pretty obvious they had lost their ability to function in any meaningful way. Why did it take yet another 10 years and some accidents-in-the-air for it get acted on? (At least it wasn’t 80 years…)

Oh… and Jupiter’s Red Spot may be dying because of a deficit of other smaller storm to feed it. It required a computer model to figure that out? Are they not teaching the basics of systems theory to professional people any more? I mean, that much is obvious: big storms are fed by smaller storms. Complex systems require energy input from outside the system. Doesn’t need a computer model to figure that one.

And what’s all this computer model stuff recently? You use computer models to maybe prototype an experiment or a theory, but then you go the real world for actual data. Computer models can never be completely accurate. (And I am a computer professional, so there, I say. So there.)

On the plus side Beavers have been returned to the English Countryside after 400 years.

Sigh…  welcome to 2024.



(1) Odd, no foot notes in this article. Where did I fail?



Categories: Society